Sunday, October 24, 2010

I found Love

    Been quite a little while since I have written last.  Life has been a bit of a challenge for me lately...... Lots of let downs, and yet has been the fullest month in my life.  I am, the brokest person one could ever run into. :)  Though, I have tried working in so many ways. Doing odd jobs and whatnot I am still unable to.... provide for myself. Thank God after this month, that will change.  However, though I have nothing of the one thing i have always had in my hand my whole life ( lots of money) I am the richest in character, and in love than I have ever been.  You know when a couple work through the hardest time together, and come out more in love and intimate in deeper ways? That is what I feel. Although, I am not talking about with a man, but the love in my Lord, and also my family and friends. I am on my knees. Yet stronger than I could ever think.  Though i am writing this blog right now with mascara running down my face. Hair in a nasty bun, and a case of peanut butter sitting next to me. I am telling it all to you.  Because, this blog, is about love in this crazy broke ass, beautiful, rich, fancy, empty city. And I am grateful. Because, I have found the true meaning of selfless love. I have been held while crying, fed, driven by the dearest of loves here in my life.  They  ignore my pride of not wanting help, and carry me when I cannot even feel that I am weak. Thank you!  
   Because of this, I have let walls down!!! UMMMM WHEN DOES THAT HAPPEN?!?! I would think it would be the other way around. But I do tend to go opposite with some things. :)
  Anyways!!!!! I have really grown through this humility, and am forever grateful. Because, seeing the love from my friends and family, has given me more than millions ever could. That is love, and caring.
The adoration I have for each of you is astounding. You are my soul. My passion, and my light. And I thank God for each of you every day.
   I found LOVE, in the faces I see everyday. I love you

ps. was on craigslist looking for jobs.... got curious and went to the male seeking female. OH MY LORD MALANA!!! never again. That is the next blog for sure! ew!

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