Since I have moved out to LA, I have noticed that the girls out here are the ones who judge and pressure the most. When I moved here, I was 20 years old, so innocent, so romantic, and just eager to be the brightest light out in this city. At that point I had kissed...... 3 people? And had no intent on kissing anyone else until in a relationship. ( Like I said, I was young) While out here, I gained amazing respect from the guys, they honored that and would even guard that for me. I have some friends who are not christians who always say, " Katie you do not want that guy because he isn't good enough and doesn't love Jesus." I loved being that girl. However, with alot of girls, they would be like..." OMG what?!?!?!?! like why?!?!" And as time would progress they would even be like Katie you just go bang. ( ew hate that saying) Of course all us girls always joke back and forth about a one night stand with a hot guy, and the thrill in the unknown! Who doesn't? Just being honest. But the difference between me and some of these girls, is I wouldn't act out on it. Girls on girls pressuring them to go hard and go fast because they can't stand having a woman stand next to them that is physically more pure than them.
I am writing this, because I am very close with a dear friend who is me when I was 20. And has brought up the fact that these pressures bother her, and even myself without knowing have tried enticing her to just kiss someone. Who am I to do so? How dare I edge her on instead of saying how proud I am she is being patient. Because trust me ladies, he is worth the wait whether it is for a kiss or for making love. I didn't save my kiss, I never intended too, but I do intend on saving myself for my love. And so does my friend. So for the pressures my dolls, do not let them buckle your knees. They are but words of envy and emotions being spit out by buried feelings.
Now to the girls, we do not talk in judgment for your actions, we love you for everything you are. I am merely saying the words you say without perhaps knowing effects others. I went off on a kissing rage last summer because everyone told me said it is just fun. ( which kissing is fun.... but not every man deserves my lips.) And not every man deserves the treasures you hold.
So ladies calm down on each other. Love each other as you love yourself..... meaning the respect you have for others will show the respect you have for yourself. In some cases I have girls around me who do not respect themselves hardly at all.
Let the encouraging begin, and the pressure release :)
love yall!
i agree with you ,the pressures come to us guys to,but heres where it gets interesting katie.ive found i only get that kind of pressure from people that ether dont know the lord or they do but there not walking with him as they should,the friends that are walking with god as they should would never ever tell me anything to make me compromise my values or my the book "boy meets girl" by Joshua harris ,it was life changing & gives you an idea on dating & marriage and being single,thats why i have no kissing rule! =)