Sunday, October 24, 2010

I found Love

    Been quite a little while since I have written last.  Life has been a bit of a challenge for me lately...... Lots of let downs, and yet has been the fullest month in my life.  I am, the brokest person one could ever run into. :)  Though, I have tried working in so many ways. Doing odd jobs and whatnot I am still unable to.... provide for myself. Thank God after this month, that will change.  However, though I have nothing of the one thing i have always had in my hand my whole life ( lots of money) I am the richest in character, and in love than I have ever been.  You know when a couple work through the hardest time together, and come out more in love and intimate in deeper ways? That is what I feel. Although, I am not talking about with a man, but the love in my Lord, and also my family and friends. I am on my knees. Yet stronger than I could ever think.  Though i am writing this blog right now with mascara running down my face. Hair in a nasty bun, and a case of peanut butter sitting next to me. I am telling it all to you.  Because, this blog, is about love in this crazy broke ass, beautiful, rich, fancy, empty city. And I am grateful. Because, I have found the true meaning of selfless love. I have been held while crying, fed, driven by the dearest of loves here in my life.  They  ignore my pride of not wanting help, and carry me when I cannot even feel that I am weak. Thank you!  
   Because of this, I have let walls down!!! UMMMM WHEN DOES THAT HAPPEN?!?! I would think it would be the other way around. But I do tend to go opposite with some things. :)
  Anyways!!!!! I have really grown through this humility, and am forever grateful. Because, seeing the love from my friends and family, has given me more than millions ever could. That is love, and caring.
The adoration I have for each of you is astounding. You are my soul. My passion, and my light. And I thank God for each of you every day.
   I found LOVE, in the faces I see everyday. I love you

ps. was on craigslist looking for jobs.... got curious and went to the male seeking female. OH MY LORD MALANA!!! never again. That is the next blog for sure! ew!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saying "NO" is sexy

There are so many pressures this world has to offer us.  From simple to extreme.  I attended a little house party that a friend of mine threw a few night ago.  I walk in and right away the smoke fills my lungs,  I am bumped into and booze spills on my shoes, " oh my gosh man, I mean lady, Im like so sorry." I assume they remembered nothing happening even after 5 min of walking away from me.  The guys approaching the girls, and the girls trying so hard to get the attention of the one guy they want to notice them.  They try to extreme. One friend was after this one guy I was talking to.  She came up to me, " oh my gosh Katie, why are you talking to him without introducing me, and do you know who he is?!?!? Like the hottest guy ever and he if so famous."  I knew of him somewhat, but not enough to be impressed. So everytime he would come around, she would be close behind and screaming with her girlfriends to get him to turn and see her.  I purposely tried to walk about the house alone so that I could listen to these conversations.  Most of them were about where the party was going to end up. As in which house do we want to go to yours or mine? And as the conversations continued, they would look at each other asif they were about to devour one another right there. ( Nothing really wrong with that, b/c I know when I am with my man, there will be some time where I am like, ok lets leave I wanna be with just you.)  However what threw me was that every questioned asked or anything offered, everyone just said yes. Wanna do this, try this, have this, wanna kiss. Everyone just said yes. And so, the guys were stoked because they were getting what they wanted without having to try for it in any way. And girls was exited because the hot guy was flirting with them and could maybe even LOVE them. NOPE!
Not exactly how it really works.
    If there is one thing I do know is true, guys and girls, looooooove a challenge. So when one says "sure" right away, there goes the little chase. But when one gives a little, but keep the other wanting more, it entices the other more so. As a small example, one of my girlfriends and I went to hangout at a friends house and play some games. We had some drinks, and so ended up wanting to play it safe and not drive, so we just stayed there. We both split up with the guys. ( which already is a bad idea, and not guarding any hearts in this case...... learned my lesson mom....:) ) When I have a drink I tend to get more cuddly then I already am, and since we had kissed before I assumed the same was to happen..... we cuddled for a sec, and I remembered I began to rub his chest, and he turned to me and said " I don't want to do it this way Katie." I was so impressed and remembered looking at him with so much adoration.  Made me think he was even sexier then he already is, because, he knew how to stop it, and how to say no to a temptation and a pressure. I think I told him he was a good man for doing so. If not, I need to tell him:)
   When there is a respect there, the sex appeal is also apparent.  When I as a young lady, sees a guy Humble and serving, I am more turned on to that than seeing Brad Pitt shirtless in Fightclub.  Also, from what I have been told by the men in my life I adore, honor and trust, a woman is sexy when driven, and when there is an unknown about her. In other words, she does not give it all away at first meeting.
    Respect, honor, patience, and wisdom. Really seek those this week.