Saturday, February 26, 2011


    I am currently sitting in my room, while listening to the rain dance on my balcony and watch the sun so desperately try to sneak through the clouds.... ( I had to make it sound more romantic... love that stuff) And thinking over the past week. I have had many conversations with many very close to me. Key thing to do that helps heal? Talk about it. Been speaking with my mom who is the worlds most amazing woman. I also spoke with my sister and my best friends who know my heart and my intent on everything I do really. And bringing my obstacle out to surface I have already pealed back some dead skin.  So if you, have yet to voice something that you have been hiding, bring it to the top, and if someone around you does not want to listen write to me and I will be happy too.
  The thing is,  in talking, you slowly start to find the core reason. Weight, has always been talked about with my friends in middle school and highschool and in my family in some cases. Due to all those talks dating back to since I could remember, it is always on my mind. I am quick to encourage other in their beauty, yet refuse to see my own. That sucks! Not to sound all selfish but I wanna mean a thank you when I hear a compliment, I am not about being like..." oh thank you, but you look nicer." I wanna be like damn straight I look good. ( well, perhaps not that cocky but you get the idea right?) I wanna walk around my house naked and feel so comfortable in my own skin. As I should, lol because I am not trading out. So, in doing so. What ARE the aspects of your body you do love and admire that no one has? Me? I love my toes. They are cute to me. I love my eyes, because no matter how I try to hide emotions, they show it all. I also love my butt... Lets just say I put the ASS in assets. I love being a white girl with booty. It's an honor really:)
  Now I  know, this topic is one that is not easily dealt with. I spoke it out because I refuse to be one to let it take hold of me.  And I want the same for every woman out there. I mean every word I say and write when I talk about the womanly figure being completely compelling and stunning. I man will not stand there looking at a woman's figure and say eww she really needs to lose that and this and blah blah blah..... But what a man will do? Say eh.... that girl has no confidence and self worth.... why don't we start changing that?
 First off, to begin with a lil intro!!! We are made in the image of God. As written in Genesis. Meaning, a God who is perfect, found complete joy in creating us, and He said himself, it was good. And even better yet, not one of us are alike in image. We all have unique attributes, and I adore it!
  I just got back from hanging with one of my girls! Crazy saturday night in LA watching a chick flick and eating tons of gluten free snack! Talking about all the insecurities women have in their selves which make them take it out on their body, mind, and spirit, and also on the man they may be with, love or like.  Not the best thing! Poor guys try to encourage and then we bite their noses off for it.... Once a month is ok! But all the time is no good.
  So whatever it is you are struggling with, take it out on paper first. Write about it, and be honest. But the thing is, you must talk about it and bring it to attention. You are worth it. Promise. :)
   And P.S. One thing I love to do when I am super full... ( do not make fun.. hehe) I love blowing out my tummy and seeing what I will look like preggers...... and I like what I see haahhahahaha.
  Ok. LOVE U!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Walk

   I blog to you guys because I love to be vulnerable and also use that to encourage others. It fills me with so much joy to tell stories of something that has happened to me, and see it humor or help those I know, and those I do not. Well, now I will really spill it all for you....
  The past two months have been the most uplifting, yet the hardest of my life.  I have been brought to attention of feelings, something honestly I pushed and guarded away for a long time because HI, I am miss independent and do not need anyones help. I can fend for myself. Yeah, like hell I can. And that is what I have been learning..... In that process I have realized how many walls I truly have built up around me. And because I have those walls, I just hurt myself before I let anyone hurt me. I am rambling sorry, :) just getting it out so you can understand where I am going. haahaha! Anyways, with that said, I would, like to make myself fully vulnerable to you, whoever you are, and as you see me from the inside out, I hope this inspires you and helps to heal you even, because I am sure you will see me in pain, but I am so willing to pour myself out to you. So how bout it??!
  Let me start with.... I have an eating disorder. Said it!!! I do. I do not throw up, but I on occassion take laxatives, have a friend give me adderall, because I want to change my body. I called my mom after doing laxatives and told her I do not want to be that girl all worried about her image.... We all have our days where we feel not so pretty, and I do have the days were I feel extremely sexy.  However, food is always in my mind. How much should I eat?  Should I even eat? What should I eat. Every question runs through my mind all day and I am EFFING SICK OF IT! So, I am going to deal with it. But not just go into an office and talk to someone who can help. I am going to deal with it in the open. For whatever friend, or whatever stranger to read. I am not scared, but so eager to get to the core of why I do this. I think it is more than just pressure around me. I am exited to strip down infront of y'all and then clothe back up with a perfect image, and that is Gods grace.
   So you in? I hope so because if not you may not like my blogs for the next few times hahahahaha. I want you to ask me anything, tell me anything, yell at me for maybe future cussing, laugh at me for future humor, cry with me for suture pain. But rejoice with me in healing. I am stoked.
   I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My identity is in Him alone..... and I know I have a perfect and beautiful identity because of Him. Love you guys..... this is gunna be crazy!

Monday, February 21, 2011


  I always go to the gym every day. It is basically my addiction and I cannot function without some type of workout throughout the day. This particular one I go to there are alot of very forward men. In every single race. So today I was walking up the stars and this man behind me goes..... " oh my goodness, you have got to stop that." I didn't know he was talking to me because I was just walking. Once I get to the top of the stairs he goes, " blonde! where did you come from..." I turned around and said, "Heaven, and chuckled to make it all a joke. and he continued with this whole spill... " You know I was gunna say that, I sometimes go to church and pray for woman like you to come walkin into my life..... now I don't know you, but seein by your body type I think I need to... I am single, and a really nice guy and would love to take you out.... in fact do you wanna get married?' I do a laugh.... probably louder than I should have and said, " You keep up that church doll, I am sure he will have some angel plop right next to you.." and he goes.." You are white enough to be an angel." There goes the laugh again..... I just began a slow walk away and said thank you but I am good.
  One day I am just going to have to say yes to one of these guys and see where it takes me..... Like turn it around on them and be like YES PLEASE LETS GO TO VEGAS!.... but add in like, I have to get away from my husband and my kid bc they r driving me nuts and wont let be do any drugs anymore and make up this whole story and then.... then... see what he does:) mmm I am! :)
  So gents, if you have not already gotten that this way is not the way to ask a woman out.... then... ya need a lil more help.
  Just wanted to share my day:) love you

Friday, February 4, 2011

girls on girls. ( not sexually)

  Since I have moved out to LA, I have noticed that the girls out here are the ones who judge and pressure the most.  When I moved here, I was 20 years old, so innocent, so romantic, and just eager to be the brightest light out in this city. At that point I had kissed...... 3 people? And had no intent on kissing anyone else until in a relationship. ( Like I said, I was young) While out here, I gained amazing respect from the guys, they honored that and would even guard that for me. I have some friends who are not christians who always say, " Katie you do not want that guy because he isn't good enough and doesn't love Jesus." I loved being that girl. However, with alot of girls, they would be like..." OMG what?!?!?!?! like why?!?!" And as time would progress they would even be like Katie you just go bang. ( ew hate that saying)  Of course all us girls always joke back and forth about a one night stand with a hot guy, and the thrill in the unknown! Who doesn't? Just being honest. But the difference between me and some of these girls, is I wouldn't act out on it. Girls on girls pressuring them to go hard and go fast because they can't stand having a woman stand next to them that is physically more pure than them.
   I am writing this, because I am very close with a dear friend who is me when I was 20. And has brought up the fact that these pressures bother her, and even myself without knowing have tried enticing her to just kiss someone. Who am I to do so? How dare I edge her on instead of saying how proud I am she is being patient. Because trust me ladies, he is worth the wait whether it is for a kiss or for making love. I didn't save my kiss, I never intended too, but I do intend on saving myself for my love. And so does my friend. So for the pressures my dolls, do not let them buckle your knees. They are but words of envy and emotions being spit out by buried feelings.
  Now to the girls, we do not talk in judgment for your actions, we love you for everything you are.  I am merely saying the words you say without perhaps knowing effects others.  I went off on a kissing rage last summer because everyone told me said it is just fun. ( which kissing is fun.... but not every man deserves my lips.) And not every man deserves the treasures you hold.
   So ladies calm down on each other. Love each other as you love yourself..... meaning the respect you have for others will show the respect you have for yourself. In some cases I have girls around me who do not respect themselves hardly at all.
   Let the encouraging begin, and the pressure release :)

love yall!