Wednesday, March 6, 2013

all the Mid's

   Being in our mid 20's is a little crazy. As men and as women.  When we feel like we should have so much accomplished and have our lives together. Well..... we DO NOT. And frankly never will. So how do we enjoy and not stress or be anxious for it?
  I was talking to a few girlfriends of mine on how we thought our lives would be so different than they are now when we were younger. How we thought our careers would be huge, we would be married, maybe have kids... Now this is the young hearts speaking here.... And as an adult,  we are so thankful that things did not happen that way. But it is funny how we worry so much about the future. Why? It is going to happen no matter what so why not enjoy the present and be exited while still planning wisely for the future. We build this vast idea of what our future should look like and we worry and toil over the thought of it every day. We know Scripture says do not be anxious for tomorrow. Obviously this is easier said than done...
  For me, I feel personally I feel like I should be as Lil Wayne says... "25 sittin on $25 mill." When I moved out to LA I was all set to become this huge person in the entertainment realm as well as the business realm. I cannot even tell you how much I have and still do stretch myself out so thin trying to make this happen. The only difference between then and now, is I realize it takes time for one to build their empire.... I know that sounds crazy... But It's true on what I have been trying to do:) Currently working on a new kids water out in LA, artist development, serving, training to be a vocal coach along side the amazing Brett Manning, writing songs, writing blogs and hopefully a few books, wanting a family, wanting to help a friend start a publishing company.... these are all the things I have on my hands and the tasks I want to see happen right away.... But what good is a thing that starts without giving time and getting the hands dirty for. Great things take time. 
   At the end of the day we know what really matters. The social status does not exist, the money always comes and goes.  I am not saying do not work hard, but I am saying to not work hard on the things that do not matter.... Be diligent in your work and career, and do not be lazy. However, be diligent and faithful and steadfast in the Word, on your friends, in your family. (Side note) 
  Rest assure.... though when we have a low key day to actually rest, it turns into  us freaking out about what we are doing with out lives, know that you are here for something HUGE! And you will not have everything all together all the time... actually hardly ever. Enjoy this moment in your life because you are not going to have it again. It's like a relationship.... There is the fun exiting beginning, the defining moment, the serious talk, the engagement, the wedding day, and the kid being born and so on and so on.... each time if a gift... take this time you have and be faithful in it. Corrie ten Boom said it perfectly...  "“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” 

   I hope this encouraged you today!


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